Friday, May 15, 2020

The Main Categories Are Violent Crimes And Property Crimes

There are many different types of crime. The two main sub-categories are violent crimes and property crimes. Violent crimes are against people, such as murder, rape, aggravated assault, and robbery. Property crimes include burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. Young white males commit the majority of both of these crimes, and make up more than half of the arrests of all crimes. This is because society makes men feel like they have to show their masculinity and aggression and competitiveness and fight the system and commit crimes, violent or property. People of all ages and races, and women also commit many crimes, however. Still, the majority of crimes are committed by young people, white people, and males, typically a†¦show more content†¦This social problem is so serious not just because of all of the consequences that follow it, but the culture that has sprung up today that perpetuates rape and, especially, victim blaming. Child abuse is a major social problem because many children are abused by their parents, sexually, mentally, or physically, and some are even murdered by their parents. These abused children grow up to face future mental health issues, as in depression, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, or low confidence and self esteem. Child abuse occurs at every socioeconomic level, crosses ethnic and cultural lines, and is present in all religions and at all levels of education. Child abuse is caused by multiple reasons including stress from caring for children, especially if the child has a disability, special needs, or particularly difficult behavior, a lack of resources necessary to properly care for a child, difficulty controlling their anger (which can be due to physical or mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, or alcohol or drug abuse), isolation from a family or community, personal problems like marital conflict, unemployment, or financial difficulties, or a lack of maturity. These two crimes are not t he only two major or common ones, but as you can see, they are a much larger sub-problem to the big social problem of crime that they make crime an even more complex and important issue. There are also many social dimensions of crime, such as how

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